It would probably be good, to position a van with loud speakers in areas around maternity hospitals, nursery schools, houses of Senators & BOEM Executives; with the pile-driving sound blaring out at a decibel level equivalent to what marine mammals will be experiencing, for an incremental time span of say, 15 mins-30 mins-45 mins-60 mins every 2 hours from 8pm until midnight, and 5am until 9am. And see how they like their sleep patterns disturbed?

Without intentionally targeting dogs, I'm sure that a lot of the houses in the areas targeted, will have dogs, which will be vocal in their annoyance of this sound, and the family members will be angry at the parent involved in sanctioning these threats to all marine mammals, as well as the threat to the marine sea-bed eco-systrm!

Just a suggestion!

Bruce (Sovereign Scot) Borthwick

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Another great reporting job Linda Thanks so much for doing the hard work to uncover the duplicity in our government "Protection" Agencies The old saying is still true


The first thing to go should be the BOEM They are not Managing the Ocean they are selling it to foreign countries no less What are we leaving our children our grandchildren and great grandchildren? Death and distribution A dead Ocean littered with the remains of the monstrosities we allowed into our oceans to kill everything around and above them

This can not be allowed to happen

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Well said Brooke.

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Linda’s articles show how painfully corrupt our environmental regulators are. They’ve been told to support offshore turbines, which means ignoring laws that protect wildlife and people. The risks are huge, and the climate change offsets, if any, small. Thank you, Linda!

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