So incredibly ugly. And the poor sea life - whales! and birds! Imagine having spent a fortune on a seaside house only to have that monstrous display of useless junk on your horizon “pop up” over how many summers to complete it? What a gigantic scam. Wish the east coast leftards would WFU. Excuse my language but I have been browbeaten for the better part of NINE years with their commie shenanigans and I’ve pulled the plug on decent rhetoric when it comes to these nature- rapists.

I like your POV. Thank you 🙏🏻 Best of luck 🇺🇸

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Great work Linda Your are the Bomb Locater of journalism 👏 and this could just be the fuse we've been looking for If it's "not technically or economically practical or feasible" than you can't do it If it causes undue harm or damage, which it has already done, than you can't do it

And if the landlord is We The People we say no No tax dollars no tariffs no bail outs or other Federal Monies or land grant usage

Wonderful work Thank you for always digging a little deeper and finding that nugget

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Yet another example of a government that is bought and paid for by Big Business.

Perhaps they can look at the damage already done by windmills in the cornfields of Illinois for their environmental studies.

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They starve California farmers of water to save a one inch delta smelt that hasn't even been seen for a long time but are willing to kill large numbers of magnificent whales?!! This is political distribution of wealth to allies and donors. Corruption.

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