My favorite line: "But that's just not true." Thanks for shining a bright light on the obfuscation and willful blindness on the part of NOAA and the rest of environmental establishment. Great reporting, Linda—hope this gets shared widely (I know Green Oceans will).

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Thank you for shining a light on this marine mammal massacre along our coast. No doubt many millions more marine animals are also dying because of this offshore wind industrialization. That we hear virtually nothing about this from the legacy media is outrageous and that, when it is reported, they only parrot the industry and BOEM/NOAA mantra of "no proof these deaths are connected to offshore wind construction." HOGWASH. Here in little Westport, Mass we've had 6 whales and several dolphins and seals wash up dead on our beaches since spring '23. It is heartbreaking.

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Thank you for reporting on this travesty when so many remain silent. You make a clear argument that should at the least make a OSW moratorium prudent to take the time to do the research and studies to determine what is going on with ocean life since 2016. The silence of the MSM and the "environmentalists" is incredibly suspect. As they say, follow the money...

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Excellent exposé of the tragedy taking place in our ocean with government entities ignoring what they have engendered.

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I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore, true story and to be brutally honest well written articles like this one fail to get the attention it deserves.

Posting things online, face to face conversations, sharing article's like this, documenties like planet of the humans, recommending books like the green illusion, judging from the reactions people just don't want to hear it.

It's always, well the $$$ience says or what about oil?

Personally, I'm not a fan of oil either, knowning how it effects the environment, from personal experience (sailing on oil tankers/ cleaning up hazardous waste sites) but also understanding how dependent we are upon it.

This greenwashed new deal is just a feel good bandaid not understanding the long term butterfly effect that this will cause for generations yet to be born, or never had a chance to reproduce like all the marine mammals that have already been taken.

Going a little further down the rabbit hole, we don't have an energy crisis, we have a consumption crisis!!

That's the bigger issue that needs to be dealt with.

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Very disturbing! Send this to the NYTimes, Washington Post, CNN. If you send it to Fox they surely will make some noise. The show, The Five, hopefully would certainly make this a story.

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Cetacea authorities are hung up on the terms "direct" and "indirect". The issuance of harassment takes implies that "proof" is both difficult and unnecessary. The wind industry is killing whales just like any other human source of noise pollution.

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So where are all the “Greenpeace” environmentalists??? Why do we harass Japanese fishermen when we Americans are doing way worse???

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Judy Collins of Farewell to Tarwathie fame should be made aware of this travesty if she hasn’t been already. For that matter, where are all the other celebrities who used to speak up on behalf of the whales and other creatures harmed by big, bad industry?

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One of my mantras is "Correlations and Common Sense". If you can correlate an action with a corresponding result by using common sense, there's often no need for further studies.

Seems like you've supplied good evidence that applies to the wind industry growth and whale morbidity.

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So for over a decade our government has been planning this murderous attack on our oceans mammals with no advice and concent from the American people While unsurprising it is disgusting and immortal and must not be allowed to continue As a third Obama term under Joe Biden these permits to harass and kill anything in the ocean have been pushed through the courts by federal judges appointed by the president despite vigorous opposition law suits

Thank you Linda for continuing to keep this atrocity in the public conversation Beautifully write article as always I hope you send it to every news outlet and oped pages

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