What would be the next step in the off shore wind discussion is how much campaign contributions is Andy Kim receiving from the wind turbine companies. I am not optomistic at all in this regard. If I had been at this town meeting I would have hammered him with questions and loaded with facts as to the environmental harm these massive wind turbines create. Forget the wind, think massive seabed destruction, mammal and marine life distruption and the huge cost to change over from our clean and complex electrical grid. Just insane!

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Good questions, all. Unfortunately, Congressman Kim wasn't taking any at the session, which he devoted largely to talking about his humble origins. That's why a guy as knowledgeable on the subject as Bob Stern couldn't even raise them. (Kim, by the way, knows how to hold roundtable discussions, one of which he just conducted in Burlington County on the problems of young people in this state.)

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Let's see, "talking about my humble origins" I DON'T CARE. NEITHER DO I CARE ABOUT COLOR OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION!! What are you going to do about what concerns your constituents?

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Another great piece of Independent journalism Linda. Many thanx, keep em coming!

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It may be a good idea to inform Kim that the EPAs unworkable carbon emission rules for power generation will lead to rolling blackouts if implemented without modification. The drop in the bucket generated by wind does not change that picture. Transmission network operators have joined a lawsuit against the EPA, including the authority responsible for New Jersey (PJM). Maybe Kim should focus on on-shore energy dense power generation, which also creates jobs.

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Great piece, Linda! You definitely put the spotlight on the politics of offshore wind turbines; particularly the hazard to USAF and FAA area radars and resulting danger to human safety. Regretfully it's all about money and politics....same ol' same ol'..... Having been employed in a wind energy company in California, I can comment with some authority. The previous commenter, "Mimi" does a great job of listing the environmental harms from offshore wind turbines!

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