Excellent article. Atlantic City Council needs to answer why they are in favor of raising electricity rates further for their residents.

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Because the council members probably had no idea that their rates will rise. They were probably told it would be good for rates!

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You did a fantastic job in covering these details. WAKE UP ATLANTIC CITY!! You need to fight this on every front. Every other shore community is fighting this except Atlantic City because utility costs will skyrocket and will create so much harm to our oceans and environment. There is nothing green about these projects except the money the developers are making. We ALL will pay for this, not just the residents of the shore communities.

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Another excellent, useful article, Linda. Thank you! We here in Westport, MA are looking at HDD extra-high cabling crossing the Westport River right alongside the Fontaine Bridge should the Vineyard Wind 2 (Vineyard Northeast) project proceed. Crossing the River from the planned landing site at Horseneck Beach will effectively sever the East Branch from the Harbor. BOEM, MassDEP and Vineyard Offshore have no idea how that will impact the fish species who migrate into the Harbor and up into the East Branch to spawn every spring. The Fontaine Bridge was built in 1958 and has undergone significant structural repairs over the past couple of decades. There is a real possibility bore holing alongside it will undermine its foundation. Fact is, none of these OSW developers or BOEM have ANY idea what they are perpetrating on us or the oceans. And they don't seem to give a damn.

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Terrific investigative journalism! Thank you!

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Higher electricity prices, screwed up marine life, non recyclable waste, seems like a good idea! Find out who is on council with deep seated investments, its Always about the Money! The only "Green" in green energy, is the Monies Stolen from Taxpayers!

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On the other hand, it's possible those five council members are just super stupid.

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True enough, but I smell Money.

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