Hi there, please subscribe to Badditives!

I’m an investigative journalist, and freelance health and environmental writer covering offshore wind, food additives, pesticides, drugs, and many of the ways we've been conned by the alphabet agencies for the benefit of Big Food and Big Pharma.

This blog will cover a variety of different topics, some related to books I have co-authored including Badditives! and A Consumers Guide to Toxic Food Additives. Please subscribe, it’s free, there are no paywalls here! But if you’re able to, please consider supporting independent journalism with a paid subscription.

Thanks, Linda

PS I can be reached at: LBonvie(AT)Gmail.com

Subscribe to Badditives

Investigative journalist, freelance health and environmental writer covering offshore wind, food additives, pesticides, drugs, and many of the ways we've been conned by the alphabet agencies for the benefit of Big Food and Big Pharma.


Investigative journalist, freelance health and environmental writer, and co-author of several books including "Chemical-Free Kids" and most recently "A Consumer’s Guide to Toxic Food Additives."